Alaska Coronavirus Information
Links and Resources regarding COVID-19
- State of Alaska Coronavirus Case Counts and Info
- The White House encourages you to visit to learn ways to keep you, your family and your community safe
Mat-Su Borough
- Matanuska-Susitna Borough COVID-19 Response
- Matanuska-Susitna Borough facility closures
- Grab ‘n Go Distribution Centers in the Mat-Su to feed kids 18 and under for free
- Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District School Closure Info
- City of Palmer Closures
- City of Wasilla Closures
- City of Houston Business Office modifications
Anchorage Area
- Municipality of Anchorage COVID-19 Response
- Anchorage Restrictions and Closures of bars, breweries, restaurants and entertainment facilities
- Anchorage School District School Closure Info
- Updates from the University of Alaska Anchorage
Resources for Alaskans from DHSS
- What can Alaskans do to prepare for the novel coronavirus
- What you need to know about the COVID-19
- Handwashing posters
- COVID-19 Traveler Information
Resources for everyone from CDC
- COVID-19 website
- What you should know
- Preventing COVID-19 spread in communities
- What to do if you are sick
- COVID-19 care: Instructions for self-quarantine
- Frequently asked questions
- Travel information
Resources for everyone from SAMHSA
- Taking care of your behavioral health
Tips for social distancing, quarantine and isolation during an infectious disease outbreak - What You Should Know
- Talking with children
Tips for caregivers, parents and teachers during infectious disease outbreaks - Coping with stress during infectious disease outbreaks
Preventative activities Alaskans can practice every day:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you don’t have soap and water.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue you throw away after use or the inside of your elbow if you don’t have a tissue handy.
- Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes.
- If you begin to feel ill, stay home for at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines.
- If you have to go to the doctor, call ahead and make an appointment. This helps the provider’s office take steps to keep other people from being exposed.
- Routinely clean frequently-touched surfaces and objects.